Risultati di ricerca per: u-bolt

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Cavallotto fermatubo
Art. 606
Pipe clamping U-bolt
Art. 606L
Long Pipe clamping U-bolt
Art. 606x
Pipe clamping U-bolt including 2 nuts – AISI 304
Art. 610
CH4 – Light pipe clamp with hanger bolt and anchor – AISI 304
Art. 8630000
CorSTRUT wall plate with side holes and pre-assembled bolts
Art. 869x
CorSTRUT heavy duty cantilever arm support with bolts and nuts – AISI 304
Art. 8630200
CorSTRUT wall plate, rail 41×62, 41×82 41x(2×41) with pre-assembled bolts
ART. 866
Tee-Bolt hammerfix STRUT
Art. 619
C più – pipe clamp without hanger bolt and anchor
Art. 6202
Nando – Pipe clamp with anchor and hanger bolt
Art. 622
Heavy pipe clamp for steel and PE, PVC, PP with hanger bolt and anchor
Art. 608T
Light clamp including hanger bolt and anchor